Introducing Kadaris

While I was frantically reworking Before Luck Runs Out, i developed a sub plot, where he crosses paths with another half-faenyr person, who is also a mage. It combined neatly with a name that had come to me, that I’d been sitting on for a while– wondering where it would fit. And there it was:)  Kadaris had come from across the river (which is where magic still works), to Tatak Rhe, for some mysterious purpose.


Now- she has never actually gotten introduced since that round of revisions is still sitting in the drawer.  But when I began looking for a side story, her situation was perfect.


I had to build out the map a good bit– which I actually love doing. Now there is a region called Rohglinn, rugged mountainous and wild. Kadaris is a halfling also, when her mother had an affair with a traveling Faenyr. So Kadaris looks a bit like her mother, but carries the telltale racial traits that make her stand out. She has tawny skin, and uniquely rich blue eyes with grey flecks. And sandy blond hair with silvery highlights.

She is raised alongside the royal princes but has never been accepted into the family. She is envious of her two younger, legitimate brothers, Tavalen and Turodoc, who she feels have been given every advantage and every opportunity that has been denied her.

.At the opening of the series, sh is in her early twenties. She is rugged and determined, having grown up in a mountainous region of Chanmyr. She’s strong-willed and often rash, charging after her goals with blinders on

While she has made a place for herself in the castle tending the gardens, her passion is to learn magic and become a mage. Since she is the daughter of the so’har, rulers similar to petty kings or governors, she knows that magic has been forbidden at court for over five hundred years.

In the meantime, she has been studying everything she can, learning about medicinal and magical properties of the plants where she lives, and occasionally helping out the soldier’s patrols, using tiny bits of magic to help them out in the forests.


A few questions for Kadaris:

what makes you laugh?

Watching baby animals makes me laugh. I love to watch them frolic and find their footing, and when they venture outside for the first time when everything is brand new to them.

Do you have any bad habits?

I have so many. I like to tease my brothers. I get in trouble, a lot. Especially for using magic in the castle. That’s one thing that’s completely forbidden. It became even more forbidden after I.. errhhmmm.. after there was an incident and all the pipes in the castle got frozen. After that, I was told that if I ever misused magic again, I would be sent across the river where magic does not work.

Are you organized or messy?

I’m very messy. I leave things wherever I stop using them. I’m always looking for things because I can’t remember where I left them. I finally learned a simple tracking spell just so I could find things without wasting an entire day.

How do you dress on a daily basis?

Well, Most days I’m working around the castle gardens. That’s a job I inherited, but I enjoy it a lot. But it’s usually sturdy breeches and boots. My brothers tell me I look like one of the stable boys. But I prefer that over anything too dressy. Especially since when I don’t work, or when the weather is nice, I like to go exploring up on the high ridges, and that’s no place for dresses.

What do you want more than anything?

I want to see the return of magic. I want to see court mages. I want to be a court mage. I want to learn all the magic I can.


Post your questions for Kadaris here and she’ll answer them– as soon as she finds them;)

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